The Manifest making love to the UnManifest

… and “energy streaming” between Anus and Crown

These 21 Days, and these “Songs” are devoted to inspiring love and awareness for the miraculous Human Energy Field, and to sharing the meditative vision of “ARUN Conscious Touch”.  When the “organic energy of love” is flowing through your muscles, bones, nerves, organs, blood, fasciae, breath, voice, and mind, permeating all of your cells… I would say that such a person “inhabits a different ‘energy-field’, operating in a different vibrational frequency” than the majority of people living on the Earth today.  And i would also say that another evolutionary alchemical shift of inner vibrational frequencies occurs within their energy-field when a person brings the “organic energy of awareness” to the functions of their own body’s involuntary and voluntary movements and inner processes.

When I bring the light of observation into the deep recesses, or core, of my Human Energy Field, the spiritual significance of a very hidden and almost unknown “inner Polarity” is revealed to me.  I’m referring to the “visible voluntary and invisible involuntary” life forces and potencies that we are all made  of.   Only so much of our Life is “in our own hands”… the rest happens through Grace, and is out of our voluntary control.  This is why gratitude and humility are such powerful healing energies.  We are material and immaterial life energy vibrating together… “the Manifest making love to the UnManifest”, in the enlightened vision of Osho and other Seers.

Anasha at the back view of Angkor Wat, in Cambodia… In the 1800’s the ruins of an ancient and very enlightened civilization was discovered in the middle of a dense forest. The culture was very evolved, and many “living Buddhas” were teaching and meditating there

Osho says~ OM is the primordial sound of which the whole Universe consists.. we are made of Music.  Hence, if we move into anything totally, only the music is left… and everything else disappears.  Because “music” is the stuff we are made of~ all else is arbitrary, artificial, invented.  Only the music, hidden in our Souls, is not invented… it is part of God.  God is the Musician, and we are His music… He’s the Dancer, and we are His dance… He’s the Poet, and we are His poetry… He’s the Singer, and we are His Song.  “OM” represents that inner music, that inner harmony, that inner humming sound, which happens when your Body, your Mind, your Soul are functioning together, in a deep accord.  When the visible and the invisible, the Manifest and the UnManifest are dancing together… when they are like 2 Lovers in deep love embrace, merging, melting into each other.  The Manifest making love to the UnManifest… the UnManifest making love to the Manifest… when the Manifest and the UnManifest are no more “2”, but have become “1”.  “OM” is the innermost music of your Being… when all the thoughts and desires, and memories have gone… have disappeared… and the Mind is absolutely quiet and silent.”  Osho, from “I AM THAT”, 1980.  

So friend, relaxing and looking inside of your body, “Now, think of, Feel, and Witness your Blood”… we can analyze it chemically, but can we find the “Chi” or “electro-magnetism” circulating within Blood that gives us Life?  How can we understand how the Blood flows away from our Hearts, through the large “Aorta” {ascending and descending aortas} after it has been fully re-oxygenated by the Prana in our Breath, and then flows to all the tissues of our bodies.  Then its flow gets very mysterious, as the oxygenated blood reaches its destination and then “turns”, and magnetically begins the journey back to heart through the superior and inferior Vena Cava… Your blood is where you get the nutrients and energy from the Food and liquids you ingest, and it carries out the dead cells and toxins.  You are not capable to do anything to insure that your heart keeps beating… it happens through Grace.  You can’t make it work, but you can help it function at its optimum.

Nerve, artery, veins,fascia- “Manifest meeting UnManifest” moment to moment
“Think of, Feel, and Witness your Breath”… we know it brings in fresh oxygen and other gases, but can we analyze or “distill” the Breath and discover the “Prana” that unites us with Existence?  How does each breath re-balance the blood?  Do you think you are in control of your breath coming in or not?!?  The Breath comes by Itself through Grace.   We can’t “make it happen”, but with consciousness, we can allow it to permeate through all of our “Koshas” or energy bodies. 

“Think of, Feel, and Witness your Brain and Spinal Cord”… the mysterious fluid that bathes it and nourishes it, we call “Cerebrospinal Fluid”.  But does naming it CSF and analyzing it bring us any closer to knowing how this “liquid light” fluid keeps us connected to the Cosmos?  How does “knowledge” explain how the cerebro-spinal fluid move inside of us like the “tides move inside the Ocean”?  And why are there deep-long tides, mid-tides, and “shore-line” tides moving within us?!?  The spark of life that animates your Nervous System comes through Grace.  We can not manufacture it, but we can relax all the bones of our head and sacrum to give it more space.

Brain, Brainstem, Spinal Cord, Pineal and Pituitary Glands, and Ventricles where cerebrospinal fluid is produced and then distributed…

“Think of, Feel, and Witness your Digestive Organs”… we take foods and liquids voluntarily into our mouths in order to stay alive and enjoy the taste.  But what happens when it gets inside of us?!?  After eating or drinking, the rest is out of our control… the stomach, enzymes, intestines, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, kidneys, blood, anus, and urethra will “involuntarily” utilize and transform what we ingest, and eliminate the waste products.

“Think of, Feel, and Witness your Mind”… most of its thoughts, desires, opinions, fantasies are “involuntary”.  You can not control your thoughts, even if you try.  If you can “sit by the side of the road, and observe the traffic of your mind”, you will see how thoughts are in a “rush hour, bumper to bumper congestion”, and they are appearing without your voluntary intention.

“Think of, Feel, and Witness your Moving or Not moving in Space”… you can decide to stand, walk, sit, run, dance, drive, sing and a million other activities {though they all involve either standing, sitting, or lying down!}… moving is only partly voluntary.  Behind each movement is the involuntary, invisible life force of your heart and blood, your breath, your Cerebro-Spinal-Fluid, your beliefs, your emotions, your desires.  Many people are constantly twitching, moving, shaking, fidgeting inside to “let off steam” and inner tensions and irritability.  In my ARUN/Osho Yoga time, while I am voluntarily “changing the angles” of my skeleton, I remain observant of the involuntary inner movements, and I give time and space for a new, fresh harmony to emerge.  Without a deep experience and appreciation of “Stillness” and Silence, I don’t think anyone can really move consciously… because they will not “be in touch” with the “unmoving center”.

The “Bodhi Tree” Mudra for sharing peace and healing energy..

“Think of, Feel, and Witness your Emotions”… they are even more subtle, and they are very often involuntary.  You may want to feel good and positive and loving and energetic and generous, but you cannot control your emotions or your moods.  Fears of all kinds keep them us in their grip.  Without becoming a “dis-identified observer”, one without prejudices or expectations, it is impossible to see deeply into our inner Sky, and to experience “Universal Harmony”.  So becoming comfortable, aware, and appreciative of your “invisible, involuntary Life Sources” is another big step in the alchemical shift of inner vibrational frequencies inside.

The Human Energy Field consists of many hidden “Polarities”.  For instance, each of us is “male and female” together inside… when you think about it, it becomes fairly obvious.  Half of the population is 51% Female and 49% Male… the other half is 51% Male and 49% Female.  One of the innumerable things I love about being with Osho so intimately  for the last 37 years, is that Osho has made me laugh in my belly more than anyone else I know.  The first time I heard Osho talk about the “slight differences” that exist between Man and Woman, I cracked up hysterically.  He said something like: the “sexual machinery” of Women is like a “pocket”… it goes inward.  And the “sexual machinery” of Men is like “turning the pocket inside out”!   Take a close look at the 2 “playboy photos” below, and you will see what he means!

Now, it is time for us to continue shining the light of our love and awareness on the “Pelvic Bowl” of the Body… 

The area between our sacrum/coccyx {tailbone}, our sitting bones {ischial bones}, and our pubic bones is known as the “perineum”.  The Coccyx and Sacrum is the negative pole, or South pole of both the Subtle energy system as a whole, and the Nervous System as its physical expression.  Between the Anus and the Genitals, on the mid-line of our body is a very significant acupuncture point.  The ancient Taoists called the perineum region “Hin-yin” and it includes the anus and sexual organs.  “Hin-yin” means the collection point of all the Yin energy, or the lowest abdominal energy point.  It is also known as the gate of death and life.  In many Taoist and Yogic energy practices, the perineum’s power is vital to health on all levels.  {I first learned about the name of this energy point from Mantak Chia in Thailand many years ago}.  Both Yoga and Chi-kung devote many exercises to strengthening and toning all the muscles of the perineum.

Here is a description of a very ancient Yoga practice {which I did not write}:

Mula Bandha

Definition: Root lock. The first of three interior body “locks” used in asana and pranayama practice to control the flow of energy. To activate mula bandha, exhale and engage the pelvic floor, drawing it upwards towards your navel. If you don’t know how to access the pelvic floor, think of it as the space between the pubic bone and the tailbone. Initially you may need to contract and hold the muscles around the anus and genitals, but really what you want is to isolate and draw up the perineum, which is between the anus and genitals. Do not hold your breath. Engaging mula bandha while doing yoga poses can give the postures an extra lift. 

In the West, Dr Arnold Kegel conducted a ground-breaking study and experiment with thousands of American women.  He taught them how to tense and release all of the different muscles of the perineum area… Kegel exercises, or “Kegels,” are exercises in which you alternatively contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles. Your pelvic floor muscles can weaken due to pregnancy, childbirth, aging, being overweight or obese and certain abdominal surgeries. Named after Dr. Arnold Kegel, the exercise was discovered in the 1950s as having many benefits for his gynecological patients. Kegels target the pubococcygeus muscle or, PC muscles for short.

In 1952, Dr. Kegel published a report in which he claimed that the women doing his exercises were orgasming more easily, more frequently and more intensely: “it has been found that dysfunction of the pubococcygeus exists in many women complaining of lack of vaginal feeling during coitus and that in these cases sexual appreciation can be increased by restoring function of the pubococcygeus.”  

This Kegel study had a HUGE IMPACT in the West, and just a few years later, coincidently, the “Sexual Revolution” was on… and this gave birth to what was called in my golden youth days, “Free love”… “Make Love, Not War” is what the hippies were preaching {and practicing!}.

Let me again remind you about the “Thai Buddhist Yoga Anatomy of Energy lines”… there are 10 main energy lines or currents {Sep Sen in Thai} flowing through our bodies.  1 for the tongue, 2 for the noses, 2 for the eyes, 2 for the ears, 1 connecting both hands and feet, 1 for the genitals, and 1 for the anus.  All of these lines flow through Hara center.

But there are many more than 10 energy currents in the body… in fact, medical mystics in Buddha’s time, estimated the number of energy lines flowing through and around the Human Body to be 72,000!   Now i will tell you about 5 very vital and alchemical energy streams, each flowing upwards from a different area of the Perineum

ARUN Inner Anatomy Energy Lines Meditation  {25 minutes}

The Perineum can be divided into 5 regions~ center, front, back, left, and right {this could also be said about almost all points in the Body}.  Let’s take our “Anus” as the starting point for center line… this “mid-line stream” connects all these organs and body parts=  the vagina-uterus {or root of the penis}, the aorta and vena cava, stomach, heart, thyroid and parathyroid glands, pituitary gland, pineal gland, and the crown of the head.   Sitting comfortably, consciously contract the center point of your anus and perineum… drawing it upwards.  Then, with relaxed and full breathing, make an energetic and feeling contact to the body structures listed above.  Feel and sense each organ individually… “see it” 3-dimensionally allow it to breathe, to have light, to expand into its full space, and float in the liquids around and inside of it.  Send clear Love energy to each organ.  And then, when you have felt and energized each organ individually, try to sense the whole line as a unity. {Some will be easier to sense than others, but do the best you can… each time it gets easier and more clear}.  Take 1-3 minutes with this, and then relax your perineum and anus and feel the line with as much relaxation as possible for at least one minute.

The 2nd Line is towards the Front part of the Anus/ perineum.  This “front stream” is connected to the following organs: the prostate gland, bladder, small intestine, stomach, thymus gland, and the front part of the Brain.  Sitting comfortably, consciously contract the center point of your anus and perineum… drawing it upwards, and also towards the front region… this should feel subtly, yet noticeably different than what you felt the last time.  Then, with relaxed and full breathing, make an energetic and feeling contact to the body structures listed above. Feel and sense each organ individually… “see it” 3-dimensionally, allow it to breathe, to have light, to expand into its full space, and float in the liquids around and inside of it.  Send clear Love energy to each organ.  And then, when you have felt and energized each organ individually, try to sense the whole line as a unity.   {Some will be easier to sense than others, but do the best you can… each time it gets easier and more clear}.  Take 1-3 minutes with this, and then relax your perineum and anus and feel the line with as much relaxation as possible for at least one minute.

The 3rd Line is situated towards the Back Part of the Anus/ perineum.  This “back stream” is connected to the organ energies of the sacrum, 5 lumbar vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 7 cervical vertebrae, the spinal cord, and the cerebellum and back of the Brain.  Sitting comfortably, consciously contract the center point of your anus and perineum… drawing it upwards, and also pulling towards the sacrum… this also should feel subtly, yet noticeably different than what you experienced the last time.  Then, with relaxed and full breathing, make an energetic and feeling contact to the body structures listed above.  Feel and sense each organ individually… “see it” 3-dimensionally, allow it to breathe, to have light, to expand into its full space, and float in the liquids around and inside of it.  Send clear Love energy to each organ.  And then, when you have felt and energized each organ individually, try to sense the whole line as a unity.  Do you notice how the “quality” of the energy in the “back of your brain” is different from the “front of your brain”?  And how if you energetically sense the “Pineal or Pituitary Glands, this is also “a different touch”?  {Some organs or glands will be easier to sense than others, but do the best you can… each time it gets easier and more clear}.  Take 1-3 minutes with this, and then relax your perineum and anus and feel the line with as much relaxation as possible for at least one minute.

The 4th & 5th Lines are situated towards Left and Right Sides of the Anus/perineum region, respectively.  These 2 Streams are related to the Ida and Pingala Nadis, which when united with the Sushumna Nadi, or midline stream, make up the 3 major “Nadis” in Yogic anatomy, and they have very many hidden potentials.  These energy streams are allowing the 7 Chakras to exist along our midlines.  Ida represents “Moon” energy, and Pingala represents “Sun” energy… and they form a bridge between the masculine and feminine energies within us, corresponding to our left and right nostrils}.

The 4th Line, situated on the Left Side of the Anus/ perineum is connected to the organ energies of the left ovary, {or testicle}, the descending colon, left kidney, adrenal gland, spleen, pancreas, left lung, left ear-eye-nose, and the left hemisphere of the Brain.  So when you repeat the active part of the meditation here, you draw up the middle while pulling up towards the left side {again, this should be a new sensation, and different from the other 3}.  Take your time…

The 5th Line of the Anal/ perineum region is connected with the organ energies of the right ovary {or testicle}, the descending colon, right kidney, adrenal gland, liver, gall bladder, right lung, right eye-ear-nose, and the right hemisphere of the Brain.  When you do the active part of the meditation here, you draw the Anus/ perineum upwards and towards the right side, which will feel subtly different than the other 4 movements.  Can you feel how unique and subtly different the life and energies are on the left and right hemispheres of your brain?!?

When you have completed sensing and energizing each line individually, with the appropriate part of the perineum/anus area contracted, relax and feel the effects for a good amount of time… seeing the whole organic unity from your perineum to your Crown Chakra.  Then, for another 1 or 2 minutes, contract your “whole perineal/ anal area”, feeling all the 5 lines with all their respective organs, as one, organic unity… including your whole Brain and all of your Glands. Then, lie down on your back relaxing deeply within body and mind and Spirit, feeling the silence and stillness within.

Once you have meditated and perceived these 5 Energy Lines, you will have a whole new relationship to your organs and glands.  You will be able to sense them more clearly, and to feel when something is not “humming in tune”.  Talking to each organ individually will also strengthen your connection and love for each organ.  While practicing ARUN/Osho Yoga, I am often times conscious of these lines, allowing the “inner touch” of the stretch to re-tone the fascia that connects the organs… and also to help the blood vessels entering and exiting each organ to be open and unrestricted.

I trust this “Song” will aid you in sensing what Osho and other enlightened mystics are pointing out to us~ that there is physical energy and non-physical energy mixing together inside of us… “the Manifest making love to the UnManifest”.  And the “cleaner” our physical energy is, the easier it is for the soundless Music inside of us to be experienced and utilized for expanding consciousness.

Anubuddha at the Bamboo Temple in Kamakura, Japan

May you be motivated to “deep clean” the Temple of your Consciousness, and keep opening up to deeper experiences of love and awareness.  
